The trailer of Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives Season 2 has been released. Netflix is back with a new chapter of the unscripted, behind-the-scenes reality TV series that focuses on star housewives who support each other through challenges in the public eye. The show produced by Karan Johar brings back Bhavna Pandey, Maheep Kapoor, Neelam Kothari Soni and Seema Kiran Sajdeh for a drama-filled, candid presence for the Indian household. Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives Season 2 releases on September 2, exclusively on Netflix.
Uttam Domele returns as director of the series, promising “hot flushes, new crushes, and more rush of drama”. From star-studded cameos and drool-worthy vacations to fierce fights and truckloads of heated gossip, the ladies are gearing up for Season 2. Having to deal with lies, love and life over 40, these friends who have been stuck together for 25 years are all set to enter a new phase in their lives with the scintillating life of Bollywood Wives.
Apart from the leads, the show is also expected to feature guest cameos from several Bollywood actors. Arjun Kapoor, Ananya Panday, Chunky Pandey, Bobby Deol, Jackie Shroff, Gauri Khan, Sanjay Kapoor, rapper Badshah and Karan Johar are expected in the coming season.
Apoorva Mehta, CEO, Dharmatic Entertainment said, “The success of Season 1 of The Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives has not had such an unfiltered reality in a while and this has contributed to the show’s likability.” “At Dharmatic Entertainment we knew right away that if the show would come back, it would be bigger and more developed, and that’s exactly what Season 2 is about.”
Netflix India promises that the new season will be “big, louder and luxe galore” as we watch the four women tackle a new (almost) post-pandemic world. Menopause, lost passion, regret and letting go of the ghosts of the past are just some of the themes viewers can expect. Real-life friendships, marriages and partner relationships will be put to the test and translated on camera.
The first season of the show was out in November 2020 and was subject to backlash on social media. Meanwhile, fans have been waiting for the second season of the show for a long time.
Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives Season 2 is coming on September 2, exclusively on Netflix.