Global star Priyanka Chopra has completed 10 years in Hollywood. The actress has made a name for herself with her stellar performances in Bollywood and Hollywood, but she had to work hard for it. He has proved himself every step of the way. According to Priyanka Chopra, Asian actors in Hollywood get very few opportunities as compared to the rest. Priyanka says that after 10 years of hard work, she is now getting the roles she wanted to do.
by Priyanka Chopra pinkvilla In the conversation I said- ‘I have been working in Hollywood for the last 10 years, but now I am getting such roles which I wanted to do. There are not many opportunities for South Asian actors here, they have to struggle a lot in Hollywood. They don’t get lead roles easily here. It takes a lot of struggle for a big commercial film.
Describing herself as a high achiever, Priyanka Chopra said- ‘I have been a high achiever from us. My goals are set. In India also I have worked with great talent and I want to follow the same in Hollywood. My career in India has been successful. I have worked with great filmmakers and actors, which I am proud of. As an actor, I want to do this kind of work in Hollywood.
Priyanka Chopra made her Hollywood debut by working with Dwayne Johnson in ‘Baywatch’. He played the role of Alex Parrish in the American TV show ‘Quantico’ and gained international recognition. He then starred in The Matrix Resurrection, the romantic comedy It’s All Coming Back to Me. Now she is soon going to be seen in a series like ‘Citadel’. At the same time, Priyanka also has Bollywood films. She will be seen in ‘Jee Le Zara’ alongside Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
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Tags: bollywood news, Hollywood, Priyanka Chopra
First Published: September 01, 2022, 06:51 IST