‘Miss Marvel’ Before the release of Ms Marvel Release Date, Bollywood actor Farhan Akhtar has thanked its makers. He is debuting in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) with this series. Apart from Farhan Akhtar, the series also stars Iman Vellani, Mohan Kapoor, Zenobia Shroff, Sagar Sheikh, Aramis Knight and Fawad Khan in pivotal roles. The series will be streamed today on June 8 on Disney Plus Hot Star. Farhan wrote a beautiful note before streaming.
Farhan Akhtar in his note praising Miss Marvel wrote, “This poster is a tribute to the makers of the series, a tribute to the directors and behind the scenes of the camera who made Miss Marvel a reality.” I cooperated. This is a commendable post for guiding Sharmin Obaid-Chinoy during my shooting days.”
(Photo Credits: Twitter @FarOutAkhtar)
Farhan Akhtar (Farhan Akhtar Post) further writes, ‘It is in praise of Marvel. I am proud to be a part of their inclusion. The show is a festival of diversity and will surely bring joy and self-identity to millions of young girls and boys across the subcontinent. And finally, it is in praise of the talented Iman Vellani. Be prepared to be thoroughly entertained and easily charmed. Thanks and best wishes, Team Miss Marvel.”
Miss Marvel, Ka Ghar Sathe Lane Lane Anand will stream this web series this week
Pakistani actors in ‘Miss Marvel’
‘Miss Marvel’ (Asian Actor in Ms. Marvel) features predominantly Asian actors. Apart from Farhan, Fawad Khan is also in this series. Fawad had earlier confirmed that he is in the series. In an interview with Film Companion, Fawad confirmed, “Yes, I am. Woh toh mujhe inside karate nahi karate, ab to mujhe mein nahi bol bol, woh khudd ne news lag di hai.
Asian Actor in Miss Marvel
‘Miss Marvel’ Iman Vellani is playing the lead role. Kamala Khan aka Miss Marvel has become in that series. Apart from Iman, Farhan and Fawad, the series also stars Aramis Knight, Sagar Sheikh, Rish Shah, Zenobia Shroff, Mohan Kapoor, Matt Lintz, Yasmin Fletcher, Laith Nakli, Azhar Usman, Travina Springer and Nimra Buka.
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Tags: farhan akhtar, miracle
First Published: June 08, 2022, 10:56 IST