In early May 2022, cases of monkey pox (Monkeypox) not directly linked to travel to Central or West Africa where the virus is present, or people returning from travel, were reported in Europe and the world. Since that date, the disease has been the subject, in France and in Europe, of heightened surveillance.
Update in France
As of September 6, 2022 at 12:00 p.m., 3,721 biologically confirmed cases have been identified in France.
The distribution of confirmed cases by region of residence (or by reporting region when the region of residence is unknown) is presented in figure 1. The Ile-de-France region concentrates the largest number of cases (2,279, or 61% ), followed by Occitanie (303 cases), Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (243 cases) and Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (242 cases); 20 cases reside abroad.
For 1,094 confirmed cases (29.6%), the region of residence was not known and was replaced by the region of reporting.
The vast majority of confirmed adult cases identified to date are male except 71 (1.9%) female cases. The number of confirmed cases reported in women is low (maximum of 12 cases reported in week 34), but the proportion of these cases is increasing in recent weeks. Among all confirmed cases reported in week 35 (unconsolidated data), 6.1% are women (vs 7.5% in week 34, 5.3% in week 33 and 2.9% in week 32) . These data relate to a low number of cases, in a context of a decrease in the total number of confirmed cases for several weeks, they must therefore be interpreted with caution.
Nine children under the age of 15 were declared. Adult cases have a median age of 36; 25% of adult cases are under 29 years old and 25% are 43 to 81 years old.
Among the cases for which information is available, 76 (3%) were hospitalized because of their Monkeypox virus infection, this proportion remains stable over time.
No deaths have been reported to date.
The distribution of confirmed cases by symptom onset date (when known) is shown in Figure 2. The case symptom onset date ranges from May 7 to September 1, 2022. reporting deadlines, the data for the last few weeks are not consolidated.
The reports received do not always mention the date of onset of the symptoms. As an alternative to this information, the distribution of cases according to their date of reporting is presented in Figure 3.
These data suggest that the peak of contamination took place at the end of June/beginning of July and that the number of confirmed cases has tended to decrease since then but could stabilize. However, we must remain cautious because the summer period may have led to delays in diagnosis and reporting. Similarly, some people may not have sought care. Several other countries, particularly in Europe, are also observing a slowdown or even a decrease in the number of new confirmed cases declared in recent weeks.
Figure 1. Laboratory-confirmed cases of monkeypox (n=3,701 cases) by region of residence (or by reporting region when region of residence is unknown), France, May-September 2022 (data as of 06/09/2022 – 12:00 p.m.)

Figure 2. Laboratory-confirmed cases of monkeypox (n= 2,640 cases, number of missing data = 1,081) by week of onset of symptoms, France, May-September 2022 (data as of 06/09/2022 – 12:00 p.m.).

The data for the last few weeks (in light blue) are not fully consolidated.
Figure 3. Biologically confirmed cases of monkeypox (n= 3,720 cases) by reporting week, France, May-September 2022 (data as of 09/06/2022 – 12:00 p.m.).

The data for the last week (in light blue) is not fully consolidated. The reporting low observed in week 28 (July 11 to 17) can be explained by the July 14 public holiday.
Information and prevention actions
Given what has been observed in Europe on the disease, targeted communication was quickly implemented towards MSM people. The site, dedicated to the sexuality of MSM people, is regularly updated with a summary of knowledge on the subject and preventive measures. Poster, radio and digital campaigns provide information to people in addition to actions in the field. Since June 17, the digital campaign has generated nearly 845,841 banner clicks and over 758,200 site visits sexosafe.
All information on vaccination is updated weekly on the page intended for the General public and that intended for health professionals (accessible without login) of the site Vaccination-info-service.
Prevention actions are continuously adapted to the evolution of the situation and the state of knowledge.
To facilitate access to information for vulnerable people in precarious situations, a pictorial tool, translated into 6 languages, developed with professionals working with these people is available on Santé Publique France
The MOBCO newsletter n°7 compiled with actors in the field brings together a series of questions/answers on the subject of Monkeypox/monkey pox. It is aimed at professionals or volunteers in contact with people in precarious situations.
In France, long-term monitoring of monkeypox through the mandatory notification system is reinforced and information and alert messages are sent to health professionals. Exchanges are also continuing with other European countries, the WHO and the ECDC.
Monkeypox info service: a listening device to answer questions about monkeypox
The “Monkeypox info service” telephone line is accessible every day from 8 a.m. to 11 p.m., on the toll-free number 0 801 90 80 69 (free, anonymous and confidential call and services). This device is in charge of accompanying prevention messages and protective measures, of providing information on symptoms, treatments and vaccination, of advising and directing towards the care devices.
Since the line opened in mid-July, 7,198 interviews have been carried out on Monkeypox info service.
- 331 interviews were conducted in week 35 (versus 467 in week 34)
- The number of daily interviews has been steadily declining since Wednesday, August 10, 2022
- The proportion of calls from men remains stable (85%)
- We observe an increase in calls relating to psychological and relational aspects: 7% more than during week 34 (29% vs 22%). These calls reflect fears and fears related in particular to the risks of being in contact with an infected person, to possible complications following an infection by the virus, and to the lack of hindsight in the face of this disease.
Preventive vaccination against monkeypox
Faced with the spread of the Monkeypox virus (monkey pox), the High Authority for Health, seized by the Directorate General for Health, recommended in its opinion the July 7, 2022 that preventive vaccination be offered to the groups most exposed to the virus.
Regarding the deployment of vaccination, as of September 6, 2022, 152,732 doses of 3rd generation vaccine had been delivered by the Agency to the territories. Deliveries are mostly made on a weekly basis.
As of September 5, 2022, the total number of doses administered is 80,996 (source: Ministry of Health and Prevention).
Since July 11, 2022, in addition to people who have had risky contact with a sick person, people falling within the indications retained by the HAS can make an appointment to be vaccinated throughout France:
- men who have sex with men reporting multiple sex partners;
- trans people reporting multiple sex partners;
- sex workers;
- professionals working in places of sexual consumption.
Vaccination can also be considered on a case-by-case basis for health professionals who have to take care of sick people.
For more information on vaccination and access to vaccination sites :