Perinatal health surveillance report in France

Perinatal health surveillance report in France

This report brings together key indicators of perinatal epidemiology in France and describes in an unprecedented way, in a multisource analysis, the evolution of perinatal health for the period 2010-2019 (2014-2019 for Mayotte) from a national and regional perspective. . It provides elements of knowledge necessary for a global vision and understanding of perinatal health at national and regional level, with particular attention paid to overseas departments. The indicators presented aim to describe the state of health and socio-demographic characteristics of mothers, risk factors, monitoring of pregnancy and practices during childbirth, the state of health of the child at birth and breastfeeding. While overall the indicators show a high and stable level of care in France, the detailed analysis shows a heterogeneity of perinatal health in France, particularly in the DR0M, which generally present more unfavorable indicators than mainland France. However, the situation is also heterogeneous within these departments. This report makes the observation of great territorial inequalities. It also describes a worrying trend in certain indicators that needs to be better understood in order to reverse the trend in the coming years. This report is part of the elements of conclusive knowledge for the action of public policies, particularly within the framework of the strategy of the first 1,000 days. The findings from the data analyzes plead in favor of strengthening prevention and promotion of perinatal health for support for mothers and families throughout pregnancy, better access to rights and care, in particularly in certain territories. The gradient of social inequalities is an important marker of unfavorable pregnancy outcomes and should be a priority criterion for strengthening and implementing action for better health for parents and children. This report is intended to be updated regularly for the information needs of the perinatal health surveillance system. A selection of indicators published in this report is also available in open data on the Géodes portal of Public Health France (

Author : Gomes Eugenia, Menguy Claudie, Cahour Lisa
Year of publication: 2022
Pages: 161 p.
Collection : Monitoring data


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