Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated both Thangavelu and Shadar Kumar. Thangavelu won the silver with a time of 1.86m while Kumar took the bronze with a time of 1.83m. Varun Singh Bhati was also India’s third player in the tournament. But he finished seventh. Varun jumped 1.77 meters. Varun won a bronze medal at the 2016 Paralympics.
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This is Mariyappan Thangavelu’s second medal. Prior to this, he had won a gold medal at the 2016 Rio Paralympics.
India is now 33rd in the Tokyo Paralympic medal tally. India has won 2 Gold, 5 Silver and 3 Bronze. China is at the top with 62 gold, 39 silver and 32 bronze medals. Great Britain is second with 29 gold and Russia is third with 26 gold.
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Medal winners of India in Paralympics
Bhavinaben Patel (Table Tennis) – Silver
Nishad Kumar (Long Jump) – Silver
Avani Lekhara (Shooting) – Gold
Sumeet Antil (Spear) – Gold
Devendra Jhajdia (Spear) – Silver
Yogesh Kathunia (Diablo) – Silver
Sunder Singh Gurjar (Spear) – Bronze
Sinharaj (Shooting) – Bronze
Mariyappan Thangavelu (High Jump) – Silver
Sharad Kumar (High Jump) – Bronze