Oscar Award-winning film director Paul Haggis has been detained by Italian police. A woman has filed an FIR alleging sexual harassment. The woman has lodged a complaint with a police station in South Italy. Police have taken Paul Haggis into custody for investigation. Canadian-born, Oscar-winning 69-year-old Haggis was in Italy to attend a film festival. The film festival opened on Tuesday in the tourist town of Ostuni on the Puglia peninsula.
According to the news agency LaPresse and several other Italian media, the women lawyers in the case, Antonio Negro and Livia Orlando, said in a statement that a young foreign woman was subjected to non-consent in Brindisi, near the festival. sex for two days. It was forced.
Antonio Negro and Livia Orlando said in a statement that the woman was forced to seek medical care after having sex. After a non-consensual relationship, the man (Paul Haggis) drops the woman off near Brindisi airport early Sunday morning. The physical and mental condition of the woman was not good. The Brindisi prosecutor’s office was closed on Sunday. Therefore Haggis’s lawyer did not comment on the statement.
Woman was found in bad condition near the airport
Antonio Negro and Livia Orlando further said in the statement that airport staff and police found the woman in a critical condition and after first aid took her to the police headquarters in Brindisi, from where officers took the woman to a local hospital for examination. In this case, the police refused to give information.
woman lodged complaint
Police also did not say whether Paul Haggis was detained at the police station, at the hotel or at any other location. The lawyer also said that the woman has formally filed her complaint and disclosed the full circumstances. Police is investigating in this matter.
Won Oscar for ‘Crash’
Haggis is a director, producer and screenwriter. He won an Oscar in 2006 for Best Original Screenwriting for ‘Crash’.
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Tags: hollywood, hollywood stars
First Published: June 20, 2022, 11:27 IST