opinion | The paradox of adaptation to climate change

« Contrairement à la réduction des émissions qui profite aux habitants de la planète, l'action publique en faveur de l'adaptation bénéficie essentiellement aux administrés et aux électeurs de ceux qui la décident et la mettent en oeuvre. »

Posted Sep 30, 2022, 2:00 PMUpdated on Sep 30, 2022 at 2:09 PM

Faced with accelerating global warming, action is being played out on two levels: reducing emissions and adapting. On the one hand, to avoid an unbearable rise in temperatures and the extreme elements that would accompany it; on the other hand, adapting to climate change that has become inevitable in order to limit its deleterious effects, such as premature deaths caused by this summer’s heat waves.

In political speeches, strategic plans and public efforts, adaptation takes a back seat. This relative deficit of attention and action is paradoxical.


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