New Corona rules in force | Currently Germany | DW

Coronavirus - Lessons in a school class

If a surgical mask was sufficient up to now, it is now mandatory nationwide to wear an FFP2 mask in long-distance public transport. The federal states decide for themselves in regional transport. However, their health ministers had spoken out in favor of sticking to the applicable mask requirement on buses and trains. In airplanes, on the other hand, the mask is no longer required. Nationwide, FFP2 masks must also be worn in clinics, nursing homes, medical practices and other healthcare facilities. A negative corona test is also required when entering care facilities and hospitals. Employees must be tested several times a week.

Scope for further tightening of the measures

The federal and state governments had decided on the new regulations via a further change in the Infection Protection Act, otherwise the remaining corona rules would have expired in September. It also stipulates that the federal states can impose even stricter measures on their own, such as compulsory masks in shops and restaurants or tests in schools and daycare centers. Mask requirements in schools are also possible – but only from class five and as far as it is necessary to maintain “regulated face-to-face teaching”.

Coronavirus - Lessons in a school class

Only older students can be required to wear a mask

The draft law initially contained the regulation that school children had to present a negative test in the event of suspected or actual infection in order to be able to go back to school. After massive criticism from the federal states, the federal government agreed to a deletion.

The federal states can also make further specifications, such as upper visitor limits for events, distance specifications in public spaces or masks outside if distances are not possible. However, the state parliament must first determine that there is a concrete risk to the health system or other important areas of care.

According to the new ZDF “Politbarometer”, 71 percent of those surveyed consider the Corona catalog of measures to be appropriate. 19 percent think the rules are exaggerated, nine percent want stricter guidelines.

bri/qu (dpa, afp)


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