Markets test Japan on its fight against the strong dollar

Le monde des affaires japonais suit avec appréhension la chute inexorable du yen malgré l'intervention de la Banque du Japon en septembre.

Posted Oct 3, 2022, 3:00 PMUpdated Oct 3, 2022, 3:03 PM

Japan bought 2.8 trillion yen ($19.6 billion) in September to support its currency, the finance ministry has revealed. But this intervention only offered a week of respite to the Japanese currency. The dollar has already climbed back above 145 yen (145.3 yen per dollar), a threshold that triggered the intervention of the Bank of Japan (BoJ). It was the first time since 1998 that she was involved in the purchase.

This year marks a turning point for the Japanese currency. It temporarily lost its status as a safe haven currency, which it shared with the Swiss franc. During periods of market turbulence such as the present, it tended to increase. In 2022, it plunges by 20.5%. The BoJ’s accommodating and solitary monetary policy in a world that is massively raising its interest rates precipitated the yen’s fall.


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