Assuming that you’re searching for a plant that is upscale and low-support, there could be no greater plant than the rubber plant. As straightforward as it looks, its magnificence gets through any place it is set. Really focusing on rubber plants
Rubber tree can be handily planted at home. Many home decorators utilize various sorts of rubber plants to give a more gorgeous shift focus over to their homes and workplaces. Aside from giving an alternate focus on the house, it likewise cleanses the air in the house.
botanical name | Ficus flexible |
the family | Moresia |
common name | Rubber fig, rubber plant, rubber tree |
at the original location | Tropical |
Outdoor/Indoor | Indoor/outdoor with shade |
type of care | normal |
Fundamentally the rubber plant is a tropical plant and is for the most part tracked down in Asia and Australia.
Individuals know this plant by different names like rubber plant, ficus, rubber tree and so forth. Today through this post I have attempted to give you some fundamental data connected with rubber plant care –

Important information related to rubber plant
As for the rubber plant, this plant does not like sunlight. That is why the rubber plant needs to be kept in a shady place.
If you see growth after a few days after planting, do not fertilize it.
The rubber plant can tolerate temperatures ranging from 4 celsius to 30 celsius. This should let you know that this plant does not tolerate too much cold or too much heat.
For this plant Proper watering technique You’ve come to use it. It does not require much water, water only when the soil feels dry, otherwise don’t.
Watering the rubber plant for 4 to 5 days will be fine.
Speaking of forests and mountains, this plant goes up to a maximum of 30 meters. And it can go upto 3 meters in your house.

How to take care of rubber plant
Regardless of the sort of plant, it gets bugs eventually. So the tree must be splashed with bug spray.
Assuming you maintain that your rubber plants should be liberated from harm and irritations, you water to neem oil Can shower together.
Aside from this, cut off the rubber plant leaves when they become yellow.
Since the leaves become yellow, the whole plant is harmed. So eliminate the yellow leaves. So the plant begins giving new leaves. In such circumstances the rubber plant will develop exceptionally quick.
Pro tip
To make your rubber plant look more beautiful, you can clean its stripes once a week with a cotton cloth to keep its shine.

How to Plant a Rubber Plant
You can plant such a plant in various ways. You can likewise plant these kinds of plants by purchasing seeds from the market.
Planting rubber plant cuttings in soil or water can be considered cutting them. Since many individuals plant rubber plants by following this strategy.
You can follow the most straightforward technique for example you can bring a little rubber tree from a close by nursery and plant it. You can plant this plant by following some technique you like.
Advantages of rubber plant
Companions, rubber plant has different advantages. Since this likewise eliminates stomach related issues.
In the event that you have a general stomach throb or sickness, this spice can be extremely useful in easing the issue. Similarly as aloe vera has different advantages, this plant additionally has many advantages.
Rubber Plant Milk/Latex
The Ficus elastica plant delivers a white milk, called plastic, previously it was utilized to make rubber, yet presently its name stays as the rubber plant, the genuine rubber. Para rubber tree ,Hevea brasiliensis) is gotten from
The milk or plastic overflowing from the plastic of both these kinds of rubber plants can disturb the eyes and skin.
This article gives data connected with rubber plant care in English, so you deal with no issue in dealing with rubber plant.