The company launched Lenovo Glasses T1 Wearable Private Display on Thursday. The new smart glasses are a wearable display solution from the Hong Kong-based tech giant, and sport two micro OLED displays for each eye with a 1,080×1,920 pixel resolution and 60Hz refresh rate. The Lenovo Glasses T1 also features built-in speakers that enable wearers to consume content on the go. The displays get a contrast ratio of 10,000:1, and are TUV Rheinland certified for low flicker and low blue light emission.
Lenovo Glasses T1 price, availability
Lenovo Glasses T1, which is known as Lenovo Yoga Glasses in China, will be available for sale in China at the end of 2022. The wearable will be available in select markets in 2023. According to Lenovo, the price of the smart glasses will be revealed when they go on sale. The company is yet to reveal whether the Lenovo Glasses T1 will debut in India.
Lenovo Specs T1 Specifications
The Lenovo Glasses T1 features two micro OLED displays, one for each eye, with a 1,080×1,920 pixel resolution per eye and a 60Hz refresh rate. Smart glasses have high-resistance hinges, nose pads, and adjustable temple arms. According to Lenovo, the displays are TUV Rheinland Low Blue Light Certified and TUV Flicker Reduced certified.
The smart glasses get high-fidelity built-in speakers that enable wearers to view and listen to multimedia content. The Lenovo Glasses T1 also has ‘ready for’ support with Motorola smartphones.
Lenovo Glasses T1 are compatible with Android, iOS and Windows operating systems. To connect to an Android phone or Windows PC, wearers need to plug in a USB Type-C cable to connect their device and smart glasses. For iPhone models, users will need to use an HDMI to Glass adapter with a Lightning connector—or an Apple Lightning AV adapter.
The company says that the Lenovo Glasses T1 will come with three adjustable nose pads, a carrying case, a prescription lens frame, a cleaning cloth and an anti-slip adapter. Lenovo also offers two adapters as optional accessories for the smart glasses, which are sold separately.