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In the area where this mosaic has been found, there is always the danger of conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. Therefore, concern is being expressed about the safety of this archaeological treasure.
The area in Gaza where the mosaic was found is just 1 kilometer from the Israeli border. The mosaic floor has 17 images of animals and birds. Interestingly, this mosaic is still in good condition.
According to ABC News, archaeologist René Alter said the mosaic dates back to the 5th to 7th centuries. When was this structure built? The site should be properly excavated for its accurate information.
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In ancient times, the Gaza Strip was a very important trade route between Egypt and the Levant. The area is dotted with the ruins of ancient civilizations from the Bronze Age to the Islamic and Ottoman periods. But with time they are getting destroyed.
The farmer on whose land this mosaic floor was found has covered this precious treasure with sheets of tin. The farmer said that he expects compensation from the government to protect this unique invention.
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