Apple iPhone 14 Max was recently tipped to launch with iPhone 14 Plus banding. If this is true, the Cupertino-based tech giant will launch its first handset with the Plus branding after the iPhone 8 Plus. Although, the iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Max are said to feature the same form factor and screen size, the iPhone 14 Pro Max could debut with several upgrades over the Max (or Plus) model. Both phones are expected to debut tonight during Apple’s ‘Far Out’ event.
Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max, iPhone 14 Max Difference (Expected)
First, the Apple iPhone 14 Pro Max is expected to be powered by the latest Apple A16 Bionic SoC. On the other hand, the iPhone 14 Max is said to be powered by last year’s Apple A15 Bionic SoC. Additionally, the new SoC is said to be exclusive to the iPhone 14 Pro models.
Second, the iPhone 14 Pro mode, which includes the iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Pro, features a bigger camera bump with a 48-megapixel primary rear sensor. Non-Pro iPhone 14 models, however, may retain the same 12-megapixel camera as previous-generation models.
Third, the iPhone 14 Pro model may have an always-on display (AoD) feature. The feature is said to be enabled by a lower refresh rate display ranging from 1Hz to 120Hz on the upcoming iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Pro. Alleged AoD support was hinted at in the iOS 16 operating system.
Finally, a unified pill-shaped cutout, which is said to house the Face ID sensor, selfie camera and privacy indicator, is exclusive to the iPhone 14 Pro Max and iPhone 14 Pro. The non-Pro iPhone 14 models, which include the iPhone 14 Max and the vanilla iPhone 14, are said to retain the notch previously seen in the iPhone 13 series. Judging by the rumours, the only notable similarity between the iPhone 14 Pro Max and the iPhone 14 Max is the expected 6.7-inch display.
According to a recent report, the iPhone 14 Max was tipped to launch with the iPhone 14 Plus moniker. The Cupertino company has told case manufacturers not to use iPhone 14 Max branding for iPhone models.
As a reminder, Apple will be holding a ‘Far Out’ launch event tonight on September 7 at 10:30 PM IST. During the event, the tech giant is expected to unveil the iPhone 14 series, Apple Watch series 8, Watch Pro and Apple AirPods Pro 2. The event will be broadcast live by Apple through its official website. YouTube channel,