Investments for 30-40 year olds: 4 criteria for choosing the right life insurance

L'assurance-vie multisupport offre une polyvalence patrimoniale sans égale aux jeunes qui, quelle que soit leur capacité d'épargne, souhaitent se constituer un capital multi-projets.

Posted Sep 26, 2022, 12:00 PMUpdated Sep 28, 2022 12:46 PM

Open to virtually all asset classes, multi-support life insurance offers unparalleled versatility in terms of assets for young people who, regardless of their savings capacity, wish to build up multi-project capital (buying their main residence, financing the studies of his children, anticipating his retirement or his transmission). It allows you to play the card of financial diversification in the medium or long term in an unequaled tax package: capital gains capitalized tax-free within the contract and significant reduction after eight years.

The inheritance framework is also enviable: under certain conditions, the contract is transferable to the person of their choice free of duty up to €152,500. But betting on an offer likely to withstand the jolts of the stock markets in the current inflationary context presupposes compliance with at least four qualitative criteria.


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