Avril and Citizen Capital want to create green agricultural sectors

L'élevage de vers de farine apporte un complément de revenu aux agriculteurs et leur permet de réduire leur facture d'engrais chimiques en y substituant l'épandage des déjections d'insectes.

Posted Sep 29, 2022, 3:31 PMUpdated on Sep 29, 2022 at 6:50 PM

Agriculture will have to undergo a profound change in favor of the circular economy. Everything encourages it, from the acceleration of climate change to European and national political injunctions, including the need for new financial resources. It is in this spirit that the foundation of the Avril group (6.9 billion euros), specializing in oils (Lesieur, Puget, etc.) and vegetable proteins, has joined forces with Citizen Capital to create the first fund to impact, Agri-Impact in February 2021.

Today, Citizen Capital and the Avril Foundation announce their first investments in the agricultural circular economy, via the “Agri-Impact” impact fund. The two partners are providing 2.9 million euros in equity to farmers wishing to diversify their activities for the benefit of the agricultural transition.


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