Vivo X80 Pro and iQoo 9 Pro are getting Android 13 update in India. Notably, the update is currently only available for a limited number of users who were accepted into the Android 13 preview program, which opened last week. The companies said at the time that they were accepting only 500 users for each handset. Hence, reportedly a total of 1,000 users are currently eligible to download this update. Vivo and iQoo have not revealed the release date for the wider roll-out of the stable Android 13 update.
Vivo and its subsidiary brand iQoo on Tuesday announced that Vivo X80 Pro and iQoo 9 Pro users in India who were successful in applying for the Android 13 preview program can now install the Android 13 update. they just have to go Settings > System Update,
Also, Vivo X80 Pro owners will first have to upgrade their smartphone to the latest system version or above. Similarly, iQoo 9 Pro users will need to have system version 12.0.5. Both the companies have mentioned that this preview update may slow down the performance of the smartphone for some users.
Most of the remaining Vivo X80 Pro and iQoo 9 Pro users in India who were not accepted into the Android 13 preview program will receive the stable Android 13 update via push notifications after the event is over.
In related news, Google has also started rolling out the Android 13 update in India. According to a recent report, the Pixel 6a and Pixel 4a, which are officially available in India, have started receiving the Android 13 update in India. Also, despite not being officially sold in India, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro models are also reportedly getting the Android 13 software update in the country.