WhatsApp is reportedly working on a feature that will bring changes to the user interface of the app on iOS and display profile pictures of members in group chats. The feature is said to be under development and its release is not yet known. The news comes days after the news that WhatsApp for iOS may be getting a feature that will allow users to view status updates within the chat list. This feature has already been rolled out on WhatsApp for Android beta testers.
According to a post By WABetainfo, a platform that tests WhatsApp features before rolling them out to the public, WhatsApp for iOS will soon get a feature up for testing that will show profile pictures of participants in group chats. The profile picture will be shown next to the message you’ve sent to that group (see main image). Currently, WhatsApp only shows the name of group participants next to their messages.
The platform said that WhatsApp has rolled out a new update through the Testflight beta program, which is bringing the WhatsApp beta for iOS version 22.18. It also said that there is no way to disable this feature “as it will always be enabled by default for all group participants and there is no switch for it.” As mentioned, this feature is under development, so there is no information about when it will be available for regular users.
The development comes days after a report said that WhatsApp will release a feature for its iOS beta testers that will allow them to view status updates within the chat list. Users can click on a contact’s display picture within the chat list to view status updates and this can be disabled by muting all status updates.
It is also reported that WhatsApp may bring an Undo Delete Message feature that will allow users to recover accidentally deleted messages in chats. Once a message has been deleted with the Delete for me option they will find a snackbar at the bottom of the screen which can be used to give users the option to recover the deleted message within a certain amount of time.
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