VIDEO: When the mongoose crowded with cobra… know where bothe’s war ended?

VIDEO: When the mongoose crowded with cobra... know where bothe's war ended?

We have heard of the snake-vessel fight. As a child, he also read about it in stories. But what is the fight between the two? Many people must have seen it, but in the video we are going to show, the cobra had to run away by pressing the tail of these two enemies. However, the mongoose did not harm his life. You might not have seen such a sight. This video is from The Motse – Tswalu Kalahari Reserve of South Africa, which is going viral.

This video has got 47 million views on YouTube so far i.e. more than 40 million views, which was uploaded on 20 November 2020. It has been uploaded on the YouTube channel Deborah Du Plessis. In her caption, YouTuber Deborah wrote that she saw a mongoose roaming the rocks. That’s how I started making this video from my mobile phone, when my eyes fell on the Cape Cobra hidden behind the stones. What was it then, we got to see this wonderful conversation between the two of them.

It can be seen in the video that the mongoose is attacking the cobra and in response the cobra also attacks. In this video of 5 minutes 41 seconds, there is a fierce fight between the two, but gradually the snake slips towards the ground. The mongoose also reaches behind. However, at the end of the video the cobra goes into a hole in the ground and the fight between the two ends there.

More than 2 lakh people have liked this video, while more than 7800 comments have come. A user named M. Higgs wrote that I think people will appreciate the intelligence of these two creatures, because the mongoose chases the cobra and drops it on the ground, where it is easily preyed. Mayo is there, while the snake also shows cleverness and hides in the bill. , At the same time, a user named Joseph Kayambe wrote that Deborah is lucky that she made such a great video that we have seen. It’s amazing.

Tags: amazing news, amazing wildlife videos, news a little off, Oh God