Priyanka Chopra There is such an actress who knows how to catch the pulse of time. After his acting career from Bollywood to Hollywood, he has also started business. The actress opened a restaurant named ‘Sona’ in New York last year. Now to take this brand forward, a new venture homeware line named ‘Sona Home’ has been launched. The actress got emotional while showing a glimpse of her new venture on social media.
Actually, Priyanka Chopra shared a video on her Instagram account on Wednesday giving information about ‘Sona Home’. In the video, the actress is seen showing off her homeware line with Sona Home co-founder Manish Goel. Talking about her new venture, Priyanka said that our culture in India is about supporting family, community, people and that is what Sona Home aims at for me.
Trying to Realize Indianness in America
Continuing the talk, co-founder Manish Goel said, “If we are having a great takeout party, we want it to be fun. We are happy that whatever our family or friends have been with, Yushan culture and home, and feel a world where I want to live.
In the caption of the video, Priyanka Chopra wrote, ‘Proud to introduce Sona Home. Coming from India and making America my second home was challenging, but Mary brought me to a place where I could find other family and friends.
Priyanka Chopra’s ‘Sona Home’
Priyanka Chopra shared pictures of her ‘Sona Home’ brand on Instagram and wrote, ‘I am proud that we are Sona Home Made. The vibrant design reflects the beauty of India. We hope Sona Home takes you to the past. The entire collection is available for purchase.
(Photo Credits: Priyanka Chopra/Instagram)
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Talking about Priyanka Chopra’s workfront, recently she has completed the shooting of her upcoming web series ‘Citadel’. Apart from this, Farhan Akhtar will be seen in ‘Jee Le Zara’ with Katrina Kaif and Alia Bhatt.
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Tags: Priyanka Chopra
First Published: June 23, 2022, 11:20 IST