Tremplin Capital, the fund that invests in priority neighborhoods

La France recense 1.500 quartiers prioritaires de la politique de la ville (QPV).

Posted Oct 3, 2022, 8:45 AMUpdated Oct 3, 2022 8:52 AM

The new world is no better than the old. In terms of diversity, French Tech is far from being exemplary. The founding teams of start-ups are often made up of white men, in their thirties, from high schools. To put an end to this typical profile,, a European structure created by top athletes including rugby player Benjamin Kayser, is launching a fund in priority neighborhoods for city policy (QPV).

Called “Tremplin Capital”, it focuses on start-ups in the pre-seed and seed phase with tickets between 30,000 and 100,000 euros. “We want to create a positive impact in neighborhoods, not just in the suburbs but also in rural neighborhoods and overseas departments,” says Florent de Gantès, partner at