Thor: Love and Thunder will release on Thursday, September 8 on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar, Marvel Studios announced on Monday. The latest chapter in the Marvel Cinematic Universe – succeeded by the new series She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, which is airing now – comes 64 days after its global premiere on July 7 in India, the US and elsewhere. Disney gave Doctor Strange 17 days more than the theatrical window of 47 days in the Multiverse of Madness. Similar to the theatrical release, Thor: Love and Thunder will be available to stream on Disney+ Hotstar in India in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.
According to, Thor: Love and Thunder will also receive the extended IMAX treatment on Disney+. The company unveiled the IMAX Enhanced feature in November, making this Taika Waititi film the latest addition to a bunch of 15 other MCU movies. Subscribers will be treated to a 1.90:1 aspect ratio, which offers up to 26 percent more picture for selected scenes. Similar to Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, which will change the aspect ratio depending on the epic or massive look of a shot. It’s worth noting that IMAX Enhanced has never been advertised nor available on Disney+ Hotstar.
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Written and directed by Waititi, Thor: Love and Thunder follows the eponymous Norse god (Chris Hemsworth) in search of inner peace, following his retirement in the aftermath of Avengers: Endgame. The self-help journey is soon interrupted by Gor the God Butcher – played by Christian Bale – a galactic assassin seeking the gods’ extinction. To counter the threat, he enlists the help of King Valkyrie, Korg, and ex-girlfriend Jane Foster/Mighty Thor, who now produces Mjolnir, a magical hammer suitable for “worthy” people. Together, they embark on a space journey to stop the bleach-skinned Gore and uncover the mystery behind his vengeance.
Thor: Love and Thunder features Natalie Portman as Foster, Tessa Thompson as Valkyrie, Jamie Alexander as Syf, Taika Waititi as Korg and Russell Crowe as Zeus, his first appearance in an MCU film. Despite scathing reviews – and criticizing the CGI – Thor: Love and Thunder has collected an impressive $737.1 million (approximately Rs 5,883 crore) globally. This makes it the sixth-highest-grossing film of 2022, with Top Gun: Maverick nearly double the overall gross.
Thor: Love & Thunder is available September 8 on Disney+ and Disney+ Hotstar, wherever available. In India, the Marvel movie will be available in English, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam.