The French are starting to get out of life insurance

L'an dernier, les fonds en euros ont servi un rendement moyen de 1,3 %. Une rémunération bien faible au regard des 2 % désormais offerts par le Livret A.

Posted Sep 29, 2022, 12:27 PMUpdated on Sep 29, 2022 at 12:38 PM

After the doubling of the passbook A rate to 2% this summer, life insurance is taking a hit. During the month of August, when the regulated savings investment rate increased, the French withdrew 700 million euros from their life insurance contracts, France Assureurs announced on Thursday.

These net outflows, which mean that the benefits paid were greater than the contributions of the insured, are a first since September 2020 (-250 million euros), in the midst of the coronavirus crisis. On the other hand, the Livret A and the Livret de développement durable et solidaire reached last month a record net collection of 5.28 billion euros. Unheard of for a month of August since 2009.


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