Tennis players fight on court during Orleans Challenger tournament, video goes viral Tennis News in english

आधी शिवीगाळ मग धक्काबुक्की, भर मैदानात खेळाडू भिडले; भांडणाचा VIDEO समोर!

Battle of Tennis Players: A shocking incident has come to light in the Orleans Challenger tournament played in France. French tennis player Corentin Motet and Bulgarian tennis player Andrian Adriev fight each other after a match (Fight on Tennis Court). The matter escalated to abuse and assault. The incident occurred during the Round of 16 of the Orleans Challenger tournament.

The Orleans Challenger Tournament is a famous tournament in France. Many players are eager to play in this tournament. World No. 247 Adrian Andreev defeated No. 64 Korentin Moutet 2-6, 7-3, 7-6 (Korentin Moutet vs Adrian Andreev). At the end of the match, both the players shook hands and clashed with each other. At that time it was seen that there was a lot of commotion.

What actually happened?

Adrian Adriev lost 3-0 in the first set. He then lost the set 6-2. In the second set, Adrian Andreev won the set 7-3. So the next set was crucial for both of them who are now tied.

In the third set, both the players performed brilliantly. However, in the end, Adrian Adriu Corentin remained heavy on Mottet. Corentin Moutet lost in the third set. So Adrian Edrew won the match. After the match, both the players shook hands as per custom. At that time there was uproar.

watch the video-

During this both the players clashed with each other. Finally the umpire got down from the chair and took both of them aside. Nadal was seen crying on one side when Roger Federer retired. On the other hand, Adriev and Motet had a fight. This video of him has now surfaced (video went viral).

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