The Realme C30s will launch in India on September 14 at 12 PM, the company announced today. Additionally, a dedicated landing page for the upcoming phone has also gone live on the official company website, revealing some of its features. The Realme C30s will feature a 6.5-inch display with 16.7 million colors and 88.7 percent screen-to-body ratio. According to the landing page, the phone will be powered by an unspecified octa-core SoC. In June, the Realme C30 was launched in India with an octa-core Unisoc T612 SoC.
The Shenzhen-based smartphone brand has announced that the Realme C30s will launch in India on September 14 at 12 PM. The phone will be available in the subcontinent through Flipkart. In addition, a dedicated Landing page The upcoming Realme C30s has gone live on the company’s official website. The landing page confirms some of the specifications of the smartphone.
According to the landing page, the Realme C30s will feature a 6.5-inch display with 16.7 million colors and 88.7 percent screen-to-body ratio. The phone will be powered by an unspecified octa-core SoC. It will pack a 5,000mAh battery and also feature a side-mounted fingerprint scanner for security. Realme claims that the fingerprint sensor can unlock the upcoming handset in less than 1 second “with just one touch”.
The Realme C30s landing page also shares the design of the phone. The handset will have a single rear camera setup with LED flash. On the front, it will get a water-drop style notch, which is expected to house the selfie camera. On the right spine, you get the volume rockers placed above the fingerprint scanner. On the left spine, the phone is seen with the SIM tray.
At the bottom, according to the dedicated landing page, it can be seen with a 3.5 mm audio jack, a microphone, a USB Type-C port and a speaker grill. The Realme C30s will launch in at least Black and Blue color options. The company has not yet announced the Indian price of this smartphone.
To recall, Realme C30 was launched in India in June at a price of Rs. 7,499. The handset features a 6.5-inch display with HD+ resolution, 20:9 aspect ratio and 88.7 percent screen-to-body ratio. The phone is powered by an octa-core Unisoc T612 SoC, paired with 3GB of RAM and 32GB of internal storage.