Rationing of LPG domestic cylinders 15 per year maximum 2 per month, know the new rules english News

Rationing of LPG domestic cylinders 15 per year maximum 2 per month, know the new rules Marathi News

LPG News: Domestic LPG consumers will now have to face the process of rationing for cylinders. According to the new rules, now only 15 cylinders will be available per connection in a year. domestic LPG customer No more than 15 cylinders will be given. Along with this, a quota of one month has also been fixed. No customer can buy more than two cylinders in a month. As of now, customers with a domestic non-subsidized connection will get as much as they want and need in a year. Cylinder But now according to the new rules, domestic LPG consumers will get a fixed amount i.e. only 15 cylinders in a year.

…so decided

The software for rationing in respect of cylinders has been changed as per the information provided by the distributors regarding the limits imposed on domestic LPG cylinders. Also it has been implemented immediately. Also, many complaints have been made in this regard. Since subsidized domestic gas refills are more expensive than commercial gas cylinder refills, subsidized domestic gas refills are often used for commercial use. It is said that the decision to limit domestic LPG cylinders has been taken as many complaints in this regard are being received time and again.

Now only 12 subsidized cylinders will be available

According to the information received, this decision has been implemented by all the three oil companies for the consumers. Those registered for subsidized domestic gas cylinder will get only 12 cylinders per year at this rate. If more cylinders are required, then customers will have to buy non-subsidised cylinders.

Only 15 cylinders per year

Under the new rules, only two cylinders will be available per connection in a month under ration. Meanwhile, under no circumstances can this number exceed 15 in a year. If a customer has to pay a higher price of gas, he will have to take permission from the oil company officials by providing proof. Only then can that customer get an additional refill.

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