Pension reform: Medef welcomes the new timetable set by Emmanuel Macron

Le président du Medef, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

Posted Sep 29, 2022, 9:40 AM

“The schedule corresponds to what we wanted. “The day after the dinner at the Elysée where the future of the pension reform was sealed, the president of the Medef welcomed this Thursday the decision of the executive to give itself time to develop a project of law which will have to be adopted by the end of winter.

“Three months of consultation may seem short, but at the same time the positions are known, these are subjects that we have discussed for a very long time”, declared on France info, Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux, whose organization was opposed to the scenario of adopting an amendment in the Social Security financing bill (PLFSS).

If he considered the time that will be devoted to the discussion “reasonable”, the employer leader refused to comment on the threat of a dissolution of the National Assembly in the event of rejection of the reform by Parliament. “It’s a political question and I am neither a deputy nor the president of a political group, I am here to defend businesses,” he explained.

Employ more seniors

Raising the retirement age to 65 is an imperative for the Medef, which has also included it among the proposals it has submitted to candidates for the presidential election. “The only economic science we are sure of is demography” and “without making it a right-left subject, we need to work longer”, insisted Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux.

But, he added, “if we extend the retirement age, companies will have to collectively be able to employ more seniors and this is a complex subject”. The president of Medef pointed to two subjects: the existence of “wear and tear at work” in certain trades, an expression he prefers to that of “difficulty”, and “also technological leaps”.

“Age is surely not the only parameter on which we must focus,” said the employers’ leader, who insisted on the need to abolish special pension schemes, another imperative set for the reform by the executive. . He pointed to the “inequity between the pension system for private sector employees who leave later than 62 and those in the public sector who leave earlier with a pension calculated over the last six months”.

Eliminate special diets, an imperative

He did not mention the “grandfather clause” which had been decided during Emmanuel Macron’s first attempt to reform pensions including the special regimes, including the Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, who intervened, him, on LCI confirmed that it would apply. This means that the reform will only concern new recruits from public employers with a special regime, in the forefront of which EDF and the RATP (the SNCF has already changed de facto with the reform of the statute).

Geoffroy Roux de Bézieux also confirmed that the revaluation of supplementary pensions on November 1, managed by the social partners, would be 5.1%.