OnePlus Nord wired earphones have been launched in India, priced at Rs. 799. The new wired earphones are the most affordable of the products that the company currently sells in India, and feature 3.5mm wired connectivity for compatibility with devices with a headphone jack. While the company is focusing more on the wireless audio segment and has a growing range of wireless neckbands and true wireless headsets, the OnePlus Nord wired earphones are for those looking for wired connectivity and have a budget under Rs. 1,000.
OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones Price and Availability
OnePlus Nord wired earphones priced at Rs. 799 in India, which makes it the company’s most affordable audio headset currently on sale. The earphones will go on sale on September 1 and will be available for purchase from OnePlus’ online and offline stores, Amazon India, and several other offline retailers including Reliance Digital, Croma, and across India.
In addition to the OnePlus Nord wired earphones, the company also sells the OnePlus Type-C Bullets, which are meant for affordable, wireless connectivity with smartphones and devices that don’t have a 3.5mm headphone jack. The new earphones from OnePlus will go up against various options from Xiaomi and Realme, including the Mi dual-driver earphones and the Realme Buds 2.
OnePlus Nord Wired Earphones Specifications and Features
The OnePlus Nord wired earphones have 3.5mm wired connectivity, and have 9.2mm dynamic drivers. The design and styling of the earphones is similar to that of the OnePlus Bullets Wireless Z2, with the obvious differences being an in-line remote and microphone instead of wired connectivity and neckband controls.
In addition to the in-line remote and microphone, the OnePlus Nord wired earphones also feature a magnetic clip function for convenient storage when not in use, and are said to offer native playback when clipped or unclipped, even when connected to a source. able to control the function. Device. The headset comes with three pairs of silicone ear tips for a customizable fit.