Combining the techniques of nanotechnology and optics, researchers at Bar-Ilan University in Israel have developed nanometric diamond particles that can be used for medical and cosmetic treatments through the skin. In the paper published in the scientific journal ACS Nano, the researchers also claim to have developed a safe laser-based optical method, capable of measuring nanodiamond penetration into different layers of the skin.
Medical treatments administered through the skin, such as nicotine patches to stop smoking, are not readily available due to various limitations. The methods require particles that must be no larger than 100 nanometers. Creating an effective device to accurately handle such small particles has also been a major challenge so far.
However, with the development of this latest method, researchers claim that they can also determine the location and concentration of particles that have entered the body’s tissues in a non-invasive manner, eliminating the need for further biopsies. can.
“This is a significant development in dermatology and optical engineering,” Told Professor Dror Fixler, Director of the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials at Bar-Ilan University and a member of the research team.
Nanodiamond, a millionth of a millimeter in size, developed by researchers has proven to be an effective antioxidant, ensuring that particles entering the body are both safe and therapeutic. Their chemical properties allow them to be coated with medicine before being put into the body.
Nanodiamond particles are created by detonating explosives inside a closed chamber. The high temperature and pressure result in the fusion of carbon particles in explosives. Nanodiamonds are so small that they can even penetrate cells without causing any damage.
Researchers believed that it new method Using advanced nanotechnology could open the door to the development of modern cosmetic preparations as well as drugs that can be applied through the skin.
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