In the mood to teach a lesson to China, America sent 2 warships from Taiwan to sea

In the mood to teach a lesson to China, America sent 2 warships from Taiwan to sea


The US has deployed two of its warships for maritime shipping in the Taiwan Strait
USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville are armed with guided missiles
US says it is committed to free shipping in the Indo-Pacific

New Delhi. The US has now deployed two of its warships for maritime navigation in the Taiwan Strait, amid the crisis triggered by US Senate President Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan. This move of America is a sign of increasing tension with China. In a statement to CNN News, the US 7th Fleet said in a statement to CNN News that on Sunday the guided missile frigates Antietam and the USS Chancellorsville sailed the high seas in accordance with freedom of navigation and international law.

The statement said that the voyage of these two warships was on and there was no interference of any external military power during this time. Both warships were passing through the Strait Corridor, the statement said. Ships are leaving the corridor which is beyond the coastal boundaries and territorial sea of ​​any country. This transit of warships also reflects America’s commitment to a free and open voice in the Indo-Pacific.

The 110-mile-long isthmus is the part of the sea that separates autonomous Taiwan and mainland China. Beijing has always claimed its sovereignty over Taiwan, but Communist Party-ruled China has never been able to control Taiwan. However, China believes that the Taiwan Strait is part of China’s Interior Sea. In this sense it can happen with America. However, the US has said that it can go anywhere at sea where international law allows it. The US believes that much of the Strait of Taiwan is an international strait. That’s why he can never go there.

tags: america, China, Taiwan