Hackers leak patient information after French hospital refuses to pay millions of dollars in ransom


Hackers who crippled a French hospital last month and stole data have released personal patient records online, authorities have confirmed.

Cyber ​​attackers demanded a multimillion-dollar ransom from the Corbel-Essonnes hospital near Paris a month ago, but the institution refused to pay.

Hackers have now dumped medical scans and lab tests along with patients’ National Security Numbers, the hospital said.

“I condemn in the strongest terms the unspeakable disclosure of hacked data,” Health Minister Francois Braun tweeted on Sunday.

Hospitals around the world are facing increasing attacks from ransomware groups, especially since the pandemic has strained resources.

The problem has been exacerbated in France, where authorities estimated early last year that health care facilities faced an average attack every week.

President Emmanuel Macron last year called attacks during the pandemic a “crisis within a crisis” and announced an additional EUR 1 billion (roughly Rs. 7,853 crore) or cyber security.

During last month’s attack, Corbel-Essonnes Hospital closed emergency services and sent many patients to other institutions.

At one point, officials said the only technology still working was the telephone.

Instead of selling the trove of data, the hacker puts some of it up for download on the “dark web” — a hidden part of the Internet that requires special software to access.

Analysts said it appeared to be a ploy to pressure the hospital, even though French law prohibits public institutions from paying extortion.

Cybersecurity researcher Damien Bankel, who uncovered the leak and viewed the files, told AFP the concern was that other criminals would now launch scams with already exposed data.

In response to the leak over the weekend, the hospital severely restricted access to its systems and asked patients to exercise extreme caution when receiving emails, text messages or phone calls.