Blanco’s Block Party becomes the first Web 3 title to be listed on the Epic Games Store

Blankos Block Party Becomes First Web3 Title to Be Listed on Epic Games Store

Video game development giant Epic Games, best known for the popular title ‘Fortnite’, has unveiled its first NFT game on the platform called ‘Blancos Block Party’ powered by Mythical Games. Mythical Games first launched Blanco’s Block Party with an open beta nearly two years ago, and it has since been claimed that more than a million players have engaged with the title. The title features a set of collectible digital vinyl toys called ‘Blancos’. These blancos are non-fungible tokens that can be bought, upgraded, valued and sold in the game ecosystem.

whereas blancos block party With NFTs being a blockchain game that represents avatar designs and accessories that can be bought and sold on the game’s marketplace, Mythical Games is not focusing on the blockchain aspect of the game but on its fun factor and ownership economy Is.

“We’re not banging our chests saying it’s a Web3 game and it’s on the blockchain. We’re unique like that. You don’t need to know what a wallet is. You don’t need to know that.” That’s what cryptocurrency is, you can literally play it,” said John Linden, CEO of Mythical Games. Told VentureBeat.

The Evolution Gala Comes Just Days After the Games previously announced That its Western-themed shooter Grit will be the first Web 3 game on the platform, however, at the time of writing, the title is not yet available on the Epic Games Store.

A DappRadar. According to report good In April, blockchain gaming activity grew 2,000 percent in Q1 compared to the previous year. But it still faces challenges when it comes to mass adoption.

Part of this comes from the storefront’s reluctance to host Web3 games. While Epic CEO Tim Sweeney has said he is open to Web3 gaming, competitor Valve last year banned games that use blockchain technology on its distribution platform Steam.