Belly fat is not reducing even after hours of exercise, this may be the reason

Belly Fat कमी न होण्यामागे 'या' 4 गोष्टी कारणीभूत; आजच करा उपाय!

Mumbai : Along with losing weight, reducing belly fat is also very important. Getting rid of belly fat is a bit difficult. The accumulation of fat around the abdomen can be caused by eating high calorie foods, high sugar, carbohydrates and packaged foods. Many people try very hard to reduce it, but even after doing this, the weight of the stomach does not reduce. Let us know today about some of the possible reasons due to which your belly fat is not reducing.


The stress of anything affects your mental health. But did you know that stress can make it difficult to lose belly fat? Stress causes your body to release the hormone cortisol. According to a 2012 study, this hormone can slow down your metabolism. Thus fewer calories are burned and obesity increases.

partying incessantly

Everyone likes to party. Because through party you meet your friends and do a lot. But if you drink too much during the party, you may gain weight.

genetic factors

Several reports suggest that your genes can affect your metabolism. Therefore, if your mother or someone from the same gene pool has a tendency to develop belly fat, you may also suffer from obesity.

wrong exercise

Losing belly fat with cardio alone is difficult. You should do proper exercise to reduce it. According to reports, 250 minutes of moderate exercise per week and 125 minutes of high intensity exercise gives immediate results.