Mumbai: The defamation case between Hollywood star Johnny Depp and his ex-wife Amber Heard has been in the news for the past few days. The ‘Pirates of the Caribbean’ actor wins this defamation case. The eyes of the Hollywood superstar were all over the world on his wife’s case (Johnny Depp Amber Heard defamation case). Amber Heard, who recently accused her ex-husband Johnny Depp of assault, is now in a mood swing. An interview of Amber is currently being discussed, in which she says that she still loves the actor.
In an interview, Amber Heard talked about her ex-husband Johnny Depp, in which Heard said that she still loves Johnny Depp. This interview of the actress is now in discussion. by Amber Heard NBC Gave an interview, in which she spoke openly about Johnny Depp and said that she still loves her ex-husband.
What did Amber Heard say?
Amber says- ‘I did a Kafi Shroten to make my relationship secret. I still love you But, I will stick to every word of my testimony until the end of my life. I have made many mistakes, I have told the truth only. His (Johnny Depp) lawyer did a good job of distracting the jury from the real issues. This is the worst part of Pure Case.
I still love him: Johnny Deppo
Amber further says- ‘I have done many wrong things with him. I behaved awfully. I still love him and do with all my heart. I tried to save this relationship, but I could not do it. Let us tell you that Johnny Depp was accused of abusing and assaulting his ex-wife Amber Heard.
Johnny Depp files defamation suit
Depp filed a defamation suit against Amber, calling her allegations false. Which has been in discussion for the last few days. This matter is very much discussed not only in America but all over the world. It was also broadcast live on TV. Some of whose clips were also targeted by hard trolls. On June 1, the court ruled in favor of Johnny Depp and asked Amber Heard to pay compensation to the actor. After which the actor celebrated his victory.
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Tags: entertainment news, Hollywood, hollywood stars
First Published: 16 June 2022, 16:20 IST