After 47 years of death, the skeleton’s DNA test revealed the secret! Police are now looking for the killer

 After 47 years of death, the skeleton's DNA test revealed the secret!  Police are now looking for the killer

Fairfax. Sometimes one’s death becomes an enigma. It was not easy to solve. But in the last few years, the investigating agencies have got a big weapon in the form of DNA test. Now the mystery of the biggest murder case has been solved in a pinch. One such case has come to light from America. After 47 years, the police have got some important clues in a murder case. And the reason for this is the DN test.

According to Sky News, exactly 47 years ago a girl went missing in the US state of Virginia. He was last seen in Fairfax on February 8, 1975. She was 17 years old at that time. Nobody knows anything about him for the next 26 years. But on September 21, 2001, the remains of a woman with some clothing were found near a ditch behind an apartment complex in McLean. It also contained the skeleton of a woman. Fairfax County Police say the remains have now been identified as Miss Gildway.

skeleton found 21 years ago
After a search 21 years ago, initial reports revealed that he died of a bullet injury in the head. The report also indicated that the remains probably belonged to an African-American woman. Whose age was about 20 years. Now the DNA test of his skeleton was done. Let’s know about his half-sister. Now his sister Veronique Duprelly has shared the full story of the murder. He said that his DN match was done in just 15 minutes.

who was the killer?
Dupperly said that Gildaway was dating an older man at the time. Gildavi was born in France in February 1958 and immigrated to America at the age of eight months. In the early 1970s, she moved to Fairfax. No information has been released on any allegations of Gildavi’s death. The police is investigating on the basis of the latest information received from the family. Hope the killers are caught soon.

Tags: dna test, OMG News