Germany triples flood aid to Pakistan | Current Asia | DW

Moped riders drive on flooded road

After Federal Development Minister Svenja Schulze had recently pledged funds of 13 million euros, her ministry is now increasing the aid by a further 26 million euros. That’s what Schulze says in an interview for the “Augsburger Allgemeine”.

“Disaster After Disaster”

The situation in Pakistan is developing into a “disaster after the catastrophe,” says the SPD politician, and laments that the floods have wiped out the development successes of recent years in a very short space of time. The money is primarily used to rebuild bridges, roads, the water supply and other infrastructure in a sustainable manner. The reconstruction projects should also create jobs for the people who were displaced by the flood.

Moped riders drive on flooded road

In Karachi, streets are still flooded by overflowing sewage

“The country is facing serious and long-term challenges, because Pakistan was already in a severe economic and financial crisis before the floods,” explains Schulze in the interview. Germany stands close to Pakistan’s side so that sustainable reconstruction can succeed and people are better protected against future climate damage and extreme weather events. Developing countries like Pakistan have so far contributed little to climate change, but are now at the forefront of fighting the consequences. “The climate crisis is deeply unfair,” explains Schulze.

More than seven million people are homeless

There had been heavy monsoon rains in Pakistan in the past few weeks. About 1,600 people died as a result of the floods. The rains flooded a third of the country – an area the size of the UK. More than 33 million people were affected and thus one in seven Pakistanis, about two million homes and commercial buildings were destroyed.

floods in Pakistan

Affected people receive relief supplies distributed by the Al Khidmat Foundation in Nowshera district

More than seven million people lost their homes and have since lived in makeshift tents without protection against mosquitoes and often without access to clean drinking water.

nob/kle (afp, dpa, epd, Augsburger Allgemeine)