Astrology, do not keep these selected things on anyone’s palm

चुकूनही कोणाच्या हातावर ठेवू नका 'या' गोष्टी, क्षणात निघून जाईल घरातली भरभराट

Astrology: Some such things have been told in Hinduism which have a direct impact on human life. It is said in astrology that often some small mistakes in daily life have a negative effect. Every action you take affects your life or the future of your loved ones. Often these works go wrong and happiness and prosperity go away in the house. Like according to astrology, some things should not be handed over to others, due to which Lakshmi gets angry. (Astrology, do not keep these selected things on anyone’s palm)

– (Salt) Never give salt to anyone’s hand. This is a very inauspicious act. If you do this, you could end up in an argument. Therefore, always put salt in any vessel or vessel only.

– Often people take chapati in hand and give it to others while eating. But, according to the Dharma Shastras, this is very wrong. By doing this you may face financial problems.

If you give water to drink in the open air, then break this habit. If you do this, you will lose the money you have. Virtue will also decrease.

If someone asks you for chili, then give them chili in a bowl or vessel. Chili in the right hand will increase discord.

If someone asks you for a handkerchief, do not give it directly to them. Keep the handkerchief in a place where the intended person can carry it. If the handkerchief is handed over directly, then financial loss will have to be faced.

(The above information is based on general assumptions. Zee 24 Hours does not guarantee it.)