Cannes Film Festival 2022 (Cannes Film Festival 2022) Aishwarya Rai Bachchan arrived with actor husband Abhishek Bachchan and daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. A day earlier, Aishwarya was seen walking the red carpet at Cannes. Now a video of him is going viral. In this video, she is seen talking to American actress and model Eva Longoria. Along with this, tremendous bonding was also seen between the two. But the reason for this video going viral is not the bonding of both but the interaction of Aaradhya Bachchan and Eva.
Ten-year-old Aaradhya Bachchan has been attending Cannes Festival with mother Aishwarya Rai Bachchan several times in the past. At the same time, Eva Longoria has also been attending Cannes for the last several years and has been Aishwarya’s old friend and colleague. Looking at the video, it seems that Aishwarya and Eva met after the premiere of ‘Top Gun: Maverick’.
This video has been shared by Aishwarya Rai Bachchan’s fan page. It can be seen in the video that Aishwarya Rai arrives with daughter Aaradhya, when Eva starts talking to her and mentions her red carpet walk. Aaradhya is behind Aishwarya, Eva sees Aaradhya, she is very excited and hugs her.
‘My name is Aaradhya’
Aishwarya and Eva both presenting their children to each other#Aishwarya Rai Bachchan #aishwaryaatcannes— Aishwarya Rai Fan (@Rahul_Lat) 19 May 2022
Aaradhya talks to Eva
Eva Longoria hugs Aaradhya Bachchan (Eva Longoria Aaradhya Bachchan Video) with great joy. Aaradhya has also embraced him like a star. Meanwhile, Aaradhya’s confidence is also worth seeing. In another video, Eva is seen making a video call with her kids. Aaradhya introduces herself to Eva’s children, while Aishwarya describes her daughter as ‘beautiful’. Abhishek Bachchan also appeared in the video.
Aishwarya walked the red carpet with Eva
Earlier, pictures of Aishwarya Rai and Eva Longoria were revealed on the red carpet of Cannes 2022. The two L’Oreal actresses attended the premiere of “Top Gun: Maverick”. Aishwarya and Eva were seen holding hands and smiling together in pictures from the red carpet event.
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Tags: Aishwarya Rai Bachchan, Festival de Cannes
First Published: 19 May 2022, 12:46 IST