The latest update of WhatsApp for iOS devices, version, is displaying an error for users who have been trying to mute group or individual messages for 1 week. WhatsApp bug automatically changes the mute period from ‘1 week’ to ‘8 hours’. However, if a user selects the duration as ‘8 hours’ or ‘Always’ then there is no problem. This is limited to WhatsApp only for iOS users, who have updated the app to the latest available version. For those who are still on older versions, the mute duration limit works fine.
whatsapp for ios Showing a bug for users who have installed the latest update with version number While trying to mute a group or individual message notifications for a week, WhatsApp is changing the duration to ‘8 hours’. We tested it on our iOS devices and the bug appears to be present.
According to information from WhatsApp version history, the latest version was launched on August 31 and offers several improvements, some of which “will be rolled out in the coming weeks”. The WhatsApp bug is being displayed only to users who have switched to the latest version of the app on their iOS devices. However, the mute duration limit is working fine for those who are still using the older versions of the app.
In another related development, WhatsApp will soon stop working on iPhone models running iOS 10 or iOS 11 versions. The changes will reportedly start taking effect from October 24. To avoid this and continue using WhatsApp, users with older iPhones will need to upgrade their handsets to iOS 12 or newer versions to continue using WhatsApp.
Starting October 24, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c users will need to upgrade to a newer iPhone model to use WhatsApp. Users will have no option but to buy another phone that supports WhatsApp in order to continue using the messaging app.