The Vivo V25e is expected to arrive in India soon alongside the vanilla Vivo V25. The handset has previously appeared on IMEI and EEC certification databases. The handset is also now spotted on the Geekbench database. It is listed to feature a 2.2Ghz octa-core chipset, which is believed to be the MediaTek Helio G99 SoC. The listed device includes 8GB of RAM and runs on Android 12. Recent rumors also suggest that the smartphone could pack a 4,500mAh battery with 44W fast charging support.
Vivo 25e Geekbench list indicates that the smartphone will be powered by a 2.2Ghz octa-core chipset, which is expected to be the MediaTek Helio G99 SoC. This Vivo smartphone packs 8GB of RAM and runs on Android 12. This configuration achieved a single-core score of 539 points and a multi-core score of 1,812 points.
The Vivo smartphone listed on Geekbench has the model number V2201, which was previously spotted on the IMEI database and the EEC website. The Vivo V25e is speculated to be a rebranded version of the Vivo S15e, which was launched in China earlier this year.
According to a recent report, the Vivo V25e may feature a 64-megapixel primary camera with optical image stabilization (OIS). It is said to pack a 4,500mAh battery with support for 44W fast charging. This smartphone includes 8GB of RAM and 256GB of onboard storage.
Moreover, live images and design renders of this smartphone have also been leaked, which suggest that the smartphone will come in Black and Gold colors. The Vivo V25e is said to feature a waterdrop style notch with thin bezels barring a thick chin. It is likely to feature a triple rear camera setup and a rectangular camera module at the back with LED flash.
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