The Vivo V25 5G will launch in India on September 15 at 12 noon (noon) IST, the company announced on September 11. Recently, the microsite for the phone on Flipkart had confirmed the handset’s launch in the country, along with some specifications. . The Vivo V25 5G is confirmed to feature a 50-megapixel selfie camera with Eye autofocus. According to the company, it will also get a bokeh flare portrait camera mode. According to the microsite, it will feature 8GB of RAM and 8GB of ‘expandable RAM’.
The Dongguan-based smartphone brand has announced via Twitter that the Vivo V25 5G will launch in India on September 15 at 12pm (noon) IST. The firm also shared a teaser video of the handset which suggests that it will feature a triple rear camera setup with LED flash. It will also have 5G network connectivity. The company is yet to reveal the India price and storage configuration of the Vivo V25 5G, which will be available for purchase in India via Flipkart.
A Microsite For the Vivo V25 5G, Flipkart has recently teased some of the phone’s specifications. It is confirmed to feature a 50-megapixel selfie camera on the front with Eye autofocus, which will be housed in a central hole-punch cutout on the display. According to the company, it will also have a bokeh flare portrait camera mode.
According to the microsite on Flipkart, the rear panel of the Vivo V25 5G will have a color-changing fluorite AG glass design. It will pack 8GB of RAM, and the phone will also get an ‘Extended RAM’ feature of 8GB, which allows unused storage to be used as additional memory. The microsite also suggests that the Vivo V25 5G will have a USB Type-C port, a speaker grill, a microphone, and a SIM tray at the bottom.
According to the microsite, the Vivo V25 5G will have volume rockers and a power button on the right spine. The vanilla Vivo V25 5G is part of the Vivo V25 series. Vivo V25 Pro was launched in India in August.