Uber India has spent approximately Rs. According to a report, the economic value of the Indian economy is Rs 44,600 crore. Ride-hailing services account for nearly 0.8 percent of the country’s income. 1.5 lakh crore in consumer surplus in 2021. The report also found that 96 percent of riders cited convenience as an important reason for using the service. The company recently bought 7.8 percent stake in Zomato for around Rs. 3,100 crore through a block deal, according to a report.
According to a report by Public First, commissioned by Uber, the company’s financial value is Rs. 44,600 crore in 2021, PTI reported on Wednesday. The report was prepared based on the firm’s payouts to drivers, their expenditure on vehicles and additional income.
The ride hailing service available in major cities of the country starts at Rs. According to Public First’s Uber 2021 India Economic Impact Report, 1.5 lakh crore customers were in surplus last year, contributing 0.8 percent to the country’s GDP.
The drivers will also have to pay approximately Rs. 1,700 crore a year through Uber, which is 49 percent more than the next best job option, according to the report.
The report also said that riders in the country save 16.8 crore hours a year and 96 percent of users said that one of the main reasons for using the service is the convenience it offers.