There will be no night on earth Baba Vanga predictions

Baba Vanga Predictions : बाबा वेंगा यांचं भयानक भाकीत, पृथ्वीवर रात्र नसेल!

Baba Vanga Predictions: Baba Vanga, born 111 years ago in Bulgaria, has made many predictions to this day. Many prophecies made by Baba Venga have come true till now. Baba Venga lost his sight in a storm at the age of 12, but the prophecies made Baba Venga famous all over the world. Before his death, Baba Venga made several important predictions for 2022 and beyond.

prophecy made by baba venga
According to Baba Vaenga’s prediction, the Earth’s orbit will change in 2023 and apart from this, astronauts will travel to Venus in 2028.

According to the prediction of Baba Venga, in 2046 people will be able to live more than 100 years with the help of organ transplant.

According to the prediction of Baba Venga, there will be no night on earth in 2100. Earth will be illuminated by artificial sunlight.

Not only this, according to the prediction of Baba Venga, the world will end in 5079.

Baba Vaenga’s two predictions came true
Baba Venga made two predictions for the year 2022. It was said that parts of Asia and Australia would be flooded. This prophecy has come true. Because this year there was heavy rain in this country and there were flood situations.

In Asia, Bangladesh, northeast India and Thailand were hit by floods. On the other hand, Baba Venga also said that some cities will face water shortage due to drought.

Portugal has asked its citizens to limit their water consumption. Italy is also currently going through its worst drought since the 1950s. So two of his predictions have come true.

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