The four green building trends of tomorrow

La filière bâtiment est cruciale pour la décarbonation de la société, elle représente 43 % de la consommation énergétique annuelle française et génère 23 % des émissions de CO2.

Posted Oct 3, 2022, 10:00 AMUpdated Oct 3, 2022, 10:06 a.m.

The health crisis page has been turned for the Mondial du Bâtiment, not those of energy and climate. Organized for the last time at the end of 2019, this great sectoral mass, which brings together three shows – Batimat (building and architecture); Idéobain (bathroom professions); Interclima (climatic engineering) -, opens this Monday for four days, in Paris. Some 200,000 visitors and 1,700 exhibitors, nearly half of whom are foreigners, are expected. The protest comes against a gloomy backdrop with continuing rising material and energy costs and concerns over activity as new housing construction stalled.

But as in all sectors, the environmental transition will be the subject that will haunt the conversations and the technical exhibitions of the stands. “Building represents 43% of annual French energy consumption and generates 23% of CO2 emissions.2. The decarbonization of society will not happen without him,” recalls the director of the Mondial du Bâtiment, Guillaume Loizeaud. Four trends are gaining momentum.