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Tag: refugee

Refugee aid: occupy if necessary (nd-aktuell.de)

Black refugees from the Ukraine, here on the Hungarian border, are exposed to multiple forms of discrimination while fleeing.
Black refugees from the Ukraine, here on the Hungarian border, are exposed to multiple forms of discrimination while fleeing. Photo: dpa/Nicola Marfisi »Harriet Tubman 1820–1913, freedom...

Refugee convicted as a smuggler (nd-aktuell.de)

Supporters of the accused 58-year-old Iranian Homayoun Sabetara in the courthouse in Thessaloniki.
Supporters of the accused 58-year-old Iranian Homayoun Sabetara in the courthouse in Thessaloniki. Photo: Elisabeth Heinze It's a questionable law: Greek Law 4251/2014, Art. 30, identifies...

Father threw the child, VIDEO: Saying ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ the father...

 Father threw the child, VIDEO: Saying 'Allah Hu Akbar' the father threw the child into the sea;  You will be shocked to hear the story - Watch the shocking video of a Syrian refugee throwing his child's body into the sea
A passenger boat from Turkey to Italy ran out of food, water and petrol, and 32 passengers risked their lives. 6 people died...