Tag: refugee
Refugee aid: occupy if necessary (nd-aktuell.de)
Black refugees from the Ukraine, here on the Hungarian border, are exposed to multiple forms of discrimination while fleeing.
Photo: dpa/Nicola Marfisi
»Harriet Tubman 1820–1913, freedom...
Refugee convicted as a smuggler (nd-aktuell.de)
Supporters of the accused 58-year-old Iranian Homayoun Sabetara in the courthouse in Thessaloniki.
Photo: Elisabeth Heinze
It's a questionable law: Greek Law 4251/2014, Art. 30, identifies...
Father threw the child, VIDEO: Saying ‘Allah Hu Akbar’ the father...
A passenger boat from Turkey to Italy ran out of food, water and petrol, and 32 passengers risked their lives. 6 people died...