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Tag: HautRhin

Aluminum: Mercedes-Benz turns to Constellium in the Haut-Rhin

L'usine de Neuf-Brisach, dans le Haut-Rhin, fournit la plupart des constructeurs automobiles.
Posted Sep 30, 2022, 10:23 AMTo lighten its new C-Class sedan while playing on its safety, its design and its resistance to corrosion, Mercedes-Benz...

Dressings: Hartmann launches its new production line in Haut-Rhin

Le site industriel de Lièpvre, dans le Haut-Rhin.
Posted Sep 30, 2022, 7:51 AMThe specialist in wound care and incontinence Hartmann inaugurates this Friday, in Lièpvre (Haut-Rhin), a production line of hydrocellular...