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Tag: Atos

The mysterious fake Atos shareholder sanctioned by the AMF

Un jeune geek a fait croire au marché qu'il détenait plus de 5 % du capital d'Atos, au printemps 2021.
Posted Oct 3, 2022, 12:00 PMHow did a 26-year-old geek, who could be described as unstable, manage, from his computer installed in a small...

IT services, M&A, Atos, Onepoint: the musketeers and their hats

IT services, M&A, Atos, Onepoint: the musketeers and their hats
Posted Oct 2, 2022, 1:49 PMLiterature has made the musketeers bicker before their fraternization. But Atos did not even give the opportunity to...

Onepoint invites itself into the Atos folder

A l'unanimité, le conseil d'administration d'Atos a choisi de ne pas donner suite.
Posted Sep 29, 2022, 5:30 PMUpdated on Sep 29, 2022 at 8:00 PMThe many observers of the destiny of Atos were waiting for Thales,...

David Layani, the entrepreneur who comes to shake up the Atos...

David Layani est vite passé par le groupe technologique américain EMC pour préférer lancer Onepoint juste après l'éclatement de la bulle du Web, au début des années 2000.
Posted Sep 29, 2022, 7:30 PMTwenty years after the creation of Onepoint, David Layani had made a name for himself in French IT services,...