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Nuclear: the race for atomic workers

Des employés passent devant le bâtiment d'un réacteur sur le site de l'EPR de Flamanville, en Normandie, le 14 juin 2022. L'EPR doit être mis en service en 2023 après de nombreux retards. (Sameer Al-DOUMY/AFP)
The French nuclear industry will have to recruit en masse to carry out the project of the century, with the planned construction of six...

Atomic TV broadcasts live video using a laser and a cloud...

Atomic TV broadcasts live video using a laser and a cloud of massive atoms
By demonstrating that a cloud of atoms can be used as a receiver to pick up video transmissions, researchers have developed an atomic...

Russia-Ukraine accuse each other of firing at nuclear plant, warns Atomic...

Russia-Ukraine accuse each other of firing at nuclear plant, warns Atomic Energy Agency
Highlight The Atomic Energy Agency said that as the fighting continues around the plant, it could pose a serious health risk.Ukraine...