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Tag: allies

Elections in Brazil: a Parliament dominated by Bolsonaro’s allies

Le jeune député fédéral, élu dimanche, Nikolas Ferreira, et le président sortant Jair Bolsonaro, candidat à la réélection.
Posted Oct 3, 2022, 5:37 PMThe Sao Paulo Stock Exchange up 3%, the dollar down 3% against the real… The financial markets welcomed the...

Italy: Giorgia Meloni and her cumbersome allies

Matteo Salvini (leader de la Ligue), Silvio Berlusconi (Forza Italia) et Giorgia Meloni (Fratelli d'Italia) lors du meeting de clôture de la campagne pour les élections législatives.
Posted Sep 27, 2022, 4:02 PMUpdated Sep 27, 2022, 5:55 PMThe legislative elections have a unique and great winner: Giorgia Meloni. His party...

Trump has had to do the government document, not the shirt...

 Trump has had to do the government document, not the shirt of the shirt!  some allies will also be trapped
HighlightTrump and some aides will be trapped in the case of non-submission of government documents Trump also took letters from North Korean dictator Kim...