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Retirement: 2 real estate solutions to boost the monthly income of...

A la retraite, il est presque toujours nécessaire de disposer de revenus complémentaires pour doper une pension « peau de chagrin » érodée par la hausse du coût de la vie.
Posted Sep 27, 2022, 7:45 AMUpdated on Sep 27, 2022 at 7:52 amOn retirement, it is almost always necessary to have additional income to...

Russian airlines won’t sell tickets to anybody between the ages of...

Russia: Airline refuses to give tickets to people aged 18 to 65, youths are leaving the country!
In his speech, President Putin announced the deployment of 3 lakh reserve forces. Following President Putin's declaration, all international flight tickets were gone. People between the...

first national study on the well-being of children aged 3 to...

Visual of the Enabee survey posters
The purpose of this study is to produce missing or partial indicators on their well-being and is part of a more global system for...